For me, the window in the beautiful Bray unfortunately is temporarily cloudy with rain, but as you know the Irish weather is variable :-) The cheer paste a piece of good music and take herself for a job, waiting for decoupage pictures, so all have a nice, sunny fully the success of the day :-)
poniedziałek, 17 czerwca 2013
Dzień dobry!!!
U mnie za oknem w pięknym Bray niestety chwilowo występuje zachmurzenie z opadami,ale jak wiadomo w Irlandii pogoda zmienna jest:-) Na rozchmurzenie wklejam kawał dobrej muzyki i sama biorę się za robotę,decoupage czekają na zdjęcia,więc wszystkim życzę miłego, słonecznego pełnego sukcesu dnia :-)
For me, the window in the beautiful Bray unfortunately is temporarily cloudy with rain, but as you know the Irish weather is variable :-) The cheer paste a piece of good music and take herself for a job, waiting for decoupage pictures, so all have a nice, sunny fully the success of the day :-)
For me, the window in the beautiful Bray unfortunately is temporarily cloudy with rain, but as you know the Irish weather is variable :-) The cheer paste a piece of good music and take herself for a job, waiting for decoupage pictures, so all have a nice, sunny fully the success of the day :-)
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